Modular belt conveyors consist of a belt system made up of interlocking modules. These conveyors are widely used for directing, transferring, and grouping small products such as boxes, bottles, and packages. They are commonly preferred in areas where accumulation is required. They are also used in locations where there is a risk of belt slippage, such as in washing and cooling lines.
Modular belt conveyors offer numerous advantages. They are more durable and resistant to challenging conditions compared to other conveyor systems. The modular design of the conveyor belt allows for easy maintenance, supply, and replacement. During maintenance, you only need to replace the defective section. These systems are particularly favored in many industries due to their ease of cleaning. Additionally, we can assist in selecting the appropriate belt based on the structure of the products to be transported. Thanks to cable tray brackets, you can easily place cable trays under the conveyor. Moreover, we can design and manufacture the conveyor in various lengths, widths, and heights according to your requirements.